National Bridge Inventory: Ohio

  • The state has identified needed repairs on 3,196 bridges.
  • This compares to 3,263 bridges that needed work in 2020.
  • Over the life of the IIJA, Ohio will receive a total of $521.5 million in bridge formula funds, which will help make needed repairs.
  • Ohio currently has access to $312.9 million of that total, and has committed $214.8 million towards 250 projects as of June 2024.
  • Of the 26,729 bridges in the state, 1,267, or 4.7 percent, are classified as structurally deficient. This means one of the key elements is in poor or worse condition.
  • This is down from 1,377 bridges classified as structurally deficient in 2020.
  • The deck area of structurally deficient bridges accounts for 3.5 percent of total deck area on all structures.

Top Most Traveled Structurally Deficient Bridges in Ohio

County Year Built Daily Crossings Type of Bridge Location
Cuyahoga 1971 142,337 Urban Interstate Ir 480 over Cr 8 (Lee Rd)
Cuyahoga 1971 106,617 Urban Interstate Ir 90 over Rocky River Valley
Hamilton 1960 91,244 Urban Interstate IR 75 over Tributary Mill Creek
Cuyahoga 1980 77,220 Urban Interstate Ramp Es from I-480 over IR 480 Mainline
Cuyahoga 1980 77,220 Urban Interstate Ramp SW from I-71 over IR 480 Mainline
Hamilton 1965 67,075 Urban Interstate NB IR 75 over Mill Cr;Benson St;Nsrr;S
Franklin 1975 61,022 Urban Interstate I-70 over IR 70W over Scioto River
Cuyahoga 1962 59,893 Urban Interstate IR 77 over E 22 St
Cuyahoga 1962 59,893 Urban Interstate IR 77 over E 14th St
Cuyahoga 1962 59,893 Urban Interstate IR 77 over US-422 WB (Cuy-422-0125)
Hamilton 1972 58,705 Urban freeway/expressway SR 562 over Ross Avenue;Csrr, Cr689
Franklin 1968 57,982 Urban Interstate I-270 over S Indian Run
Cuyahoga 1973 44,715 Urban Interstate Ir 480 WB over Up480-ES&Wn,Dn77-Sw&Ne
Cuyahoga 1973 44,715 Urban Interstate Ir 480 E.B. over Up 480-ES&Wn,Dn 77-Sw&Ne
Hamilton 1931 43,788 Urban other principal arterial Western Hills Viad over Mill Creek, State, Sprin
Cuyahoga 1976 41,217 Urban minor arterial Warren Road CR-66 over IR-90 (Warren)
Hamilton 1969 40,186 Urban other principal arterial Winton Road over Winton Woods Park Drive
Hamilton 1964 36,784 Urban Interstate WB IR 74 over Cr 184;Trib Taylor Creek
Hamilton 1970 35,701 Urban Interstate EB IR 275 over Cr 299(Loveland Rd);Iory
Hamilton 1970 35,701 Urban Interstate WB IR 275 over Cr 299(Loveland Rd);Iory
Trumbull 1956 35,398 Urban Interstate I80 Oh Tpk over CSX RR
Trumbull 1954 35,398 Urban Interstate I80 Oh Tpk over CSX RR
Lake 1962 34,896 Urban freeway/expressway SR 2 over East 337th St
Cuyahoga 1987 31,223 Urban other principal arterial SR 237 over Snow Road
Lake 1969 30,463 Urban other principal arterial SR 91 over Nsc,CSX RR N. of US 20

Bridge Inventory: Ohio

Type of Bridge Number of Bridges Area of All Bridges
(sq. meters)
Daily Crossings on All Bridges Number of Structurally Deficient Bridges Area of Structurally Deficient Bridges
(sq. meters)
Daily Crossings on Structurally Deficient Bridges
Rural Interstate 543 635,046 12,252,136 1 487 20,873
Rural arterial 950 667,705 6,475,503 8 3,622 39,620
Rural minor arterial 813 356,668 3,599,577 19 7,163 80,660
Rural major collector 3,260 1,033,778 6,407,698 104 27,795 195,953
Rural minor collector 1,738 367,482 1,479,739 84 12,058 54,346
Rural local road 10,175 1,565,953 4,763,434 678 84,123 232,255
Urban Interstate 1,641 3,102,520 74,022,261 25 80,374 1,211,677
Urban freeway/expressway 990 1,418,418 19,487,527 8 20,511 170,930
Urban other principal arterial 1,208 1,904,549 17,131,340 40 93,131 569,037
Urban minor arterial 1,492 1,531,747 14,517,306 69 106,812 705,223
Urban collector 1,757 1,019,638 8,806,331 75 35,770 317,313
Urban local road 2,162 650,393 4,249,438 156 30,690 216,173
Total 26,729 14,253,897 173,192,290 1,267 502,537 3,814,060

Proposed Bridge Work

Type of Work Number of Bridges Cost to Repair
(in millions)
Daily Crossings Area of Bridges
(sq. meters)
Bridge replacement 1,162 $871 3,530,280 325,335
Widening & rehabilitation 111 $121 626,164 62,967
Rehabilitation 1,422 $1,499 5,219,317 805,488
Deck rehabilitation/replacement 193 $647 2,605,269 334,641
Other structural work 308 $249 1,145,459 133,075
Total 3,196 $3,386 13,126,489 1,661,506

About the data:

Data and cost estimates are from the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) National Bridge Inventory (NBI), downloaded on August 20, 2024. Note that specific conditions on bridges may have changed as a result of recent work or updated inspections.

Effective January 1, 2018, FHWA changed the definition of structurally deficient as part of the final rule on highway and bridge performance measures, published May 20, 2017 pursuant to the 2012 federal aid highway bill Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act (MAP-21). Two measures that were previously used to classify bridges as structurally deficient are no longer used. This includes bridges where the overall structural evaluation was rated in poor or worse condition, or where the adequacy of waterway openings was insufficient.

The new definition limits the classification to bridges where one of the key structural elements—the deck, superstructure, substructure or culverts, are rated in poor or worse condition. During inspection, the conditions of a variety of bridge elements are rated on a scale of 0 (failed condition) to 9 (excellent condition). A rating of 4 is considered “poor” condition.

Cost estimates have been derived by ARTBA, based on 2023 average bridge replacement costs for structures on and off the National Highway System, published by FHWA. Bridge rehabilitation costs are estimated to be 68 percent of replacement costs. A bridge is considered to need repair if the structure has identified repairs as part of the NBI, a repair cost estimate is supplied by the bridge owner or the bridge is classified as structurally deficient. Please note that for a few states, the number of bridges needing to be repaired can vary significantly from year to year, and reflects the data entered by the state.

Bridges are classified by FHWA into types based on the functional classification of the roadway on the bridge. Interstates comprise routes officially designated by the Secretary of Transportation. Other principal arterials serve major centers of urban areas or provide mobility through rural areas. Freeways and expressways have directional lanes generally separated by a physical barrier, and access/egress points generally limited to on- and off-ramps. Minor arterials serve smaller areas and are used for trips of moderate length. Collectors funnel traffic from local roads to the arterial network; major collectors have higher speed limits and traffic volumes and are longer in length and spaced at greater intervals, while minor collectors are shorter and provide service to smaller communities. Local roads do not carry through traffic and are intended for short distance travel.

Compared to 38 in 2023

in the nation in % of structurally deficient bridges

1. Iowa 19.0%
34. Colorado 5.0%
35. Ohio 5.0%
36. Connecticut 5.0%

Compared to 13 in 2023

in the nation in # of structurally deficient bridges

1. Iowa 4,544
12. Michigan 1,281
13. Ohio 1,267
14. Nebraska 1,217

Compared to 37 in 2023

in the nation in % of structurally deficient bridge deck area

1. Rhode Island 14.0%
35. Colorado 4.0%
36. Ohio 4.0%
37. Oklahoma 3.0%
Full State Ranking


  • Source: Data is from the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) National Bridge Inventory (NBI), downloaded on August 20, 2024. Note that specific conditions on bridges may have changed as a result of recent work or updated inspections.

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